Sunday, August 25, 2013

Scotty Goes To School

Sunday August 25th, Day 121

I am so sorry for not posting sooner but my days are filled with teaching, coaching, managing the home front and trying to check in on Deborah and Scotty. They have had a very eventful week and I am amazed at the strength Scotty continues to show each day. On Tuesday I took Noah, Scotty and Grandma on a trip to Rawlinson Rd Middle school so they could meet Noah's teachers and the staff at Rawlinson Rd. Noah did a very good job introducing us to the teachers. Scotty was so tickled to meet his teachers. And the entire staff was so kind and have continued to be so supportive. I am so thankful everyday they are taking care of him.

Wednesday school started and Scotty continued to busy himself around the house. He knows his limits as far as lifting and task he should not do and seems to follow the guidelines he has been given. He says he makes an excellent dishwasher and he tries to help make Deborah a little breakfast. He can work the toaster pretty good ! LOL ! We have banned him from the oven and he has promised he will not try to cook. He has had home visits from his Hospice Social Worker, Chaplain, Doctor, and of course his nurse. He has been very pleased with all of them. He has also had various family members come for visits as well as staff members from several of his offices in his district. He really loves the visits and they are so important to him! He can't wait to tell me about who came and from what office. And I love to hear the stories he tells about them. So if you have time, stop by for a visit. :)

On Saturday Scotty was feeling well enough to go out to eat. Deborah, Noah, and Scotty went to the Longhorn and had a very interesting time ! Noah wanted to order one of everything on the kids menu and he told the waiter he couldn't eat broccoli because he would start throwing up and etc...... Deborah said he went into this long explanation about the broccoli ! LOL! And then Noah ordered a 6 layered dessert and as of today he was still eating off of it. I guess you can tell it has been months since they have been out to eat as a family and Noah was making sure they tried everything !

Today Scotty is battling a sever case of laryngitis and has started taking something for it. He has had this issue off and on since he was dismissed and for whatever reason it seems to be worse today. I told him he talks too much ! LOL!!  So he speaks in a whispering voice. His legs have started swelling some but the poor man hardly rest them so I guess they are reacting to the workout he gives them. Sleep continues to be a problem for him but he says he is not tired so he cannot sleep. The energizer bunny has returned ! My mom would like to chain him down when she visits but I told her that was not a good idea!

As far as Noah goes we all know things will be hard for Noah as changes take place and he is very sensitive to stress levels when they occur. Unfortunately he reacts in a not so good way and we are working to help him make good choices. His ABA therapy is continuing and Deborah was able to secure someone to help get Noah to school through the TLC organization. My mom picks him up each day.

Deborah is back in her classroom with her 24 first graders. She is trying to balance all the needs of her class, Noah, and Scotty. It is amazing what she is doing right now. Her days are quite full and she could not be  surviving without the support and care everyone has surrounded her with.  The cards, visits, meals, grass cutting, Noah care, small fix it task, gift cards etc... have all been so helpful. She is so thankful and so am I for what everyone has been doing.

Please continue to pray for Scotty as his body continues to deal with this cancer and pray he will not be in severe pain. Pray for Deborah and Noah as their lives continue to be affected by this illness and give them the strength to be strong in the days to come.

Psalm 46: 1  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble "

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