Monday, May 20, 2013

"It's Complicated"

Monday May 20th...Day 24

IT'S COMPLICATED is the words that come to mind after the events of today. Scotty sat on the side of the bed for approximately 1 minute but that was all he could tolerate. "IT'S COMPLICATED" He did really well with  arm therapy doing curls with a body bar and punching at a beach ball. He also completed his leg exercises. Deborah said he seemed a bit tired today and actually fell asleep during one of his sessions. The therapist said she didn't believe she had ever had that happen to her before ! We laughed and thought well you have never had anyone to work with like Scotty either ! Lunch came and he only ate a few bites. Hopefully he ate more at the evening meal. His sister Kathy was bringing him something to eat tonight.

Now for the complication: The doctors today reported that Scotty has Hepatitis C. They retested his blood again to make sure and it came back positive. So now we have another twist to the puzzle. According to the doctors this will have an impact on Chemo. So they are now trying to decide if they need a liver biopsy or not. As I said  "IT"S COMPLICATED"  Tomorrow they are suppose to  meet with Deborah to reveal the plan. As far as Rehab goes his goal is to be able to walk with at least a walker before he comes home.

I have attached a link one of the Oncologist sent Deborah for her to read about Scotty's current diagnosis.  They actually call it CUP...Cancer of Unknown Primary.

Please continue to pray for Scotty, Deborah, and Noah..........................

My daily devotion is listed below. I definitely feel we are in a trial !

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